
We bring innovations and help your business to stay ahead of the competition.

Analytics Consulting

We use data to discover new business opportunities.

Data Warehouse Development

We empower our clients with knowledge


Data Analytics and Visualization Consulting

With our consulting expertise, we develop real-time dashboards for thorough data analysis and informed decision-making. Our proficiency includes R Shiny, Power BI, Tableau, and SQL-based data modeling.

Data Analytics Implementation

We have hands-on experiance in developing reproducible analytical pipelines for data extraction, analysis, and product presentation. Proficient in building MPV to help you hit the market with any new ideas.

Data Warehousing and Automation

Our consulting experience includes end-to-end data warehouse development, including tool migration and table optimization. We specialize in DBT and Synapse for automated data pipelines and analysis, and have expertise in Azure, AWS, and GCP platforms.

Business Consulting and Stakeholder Management

We have long expertise in technology consulting and project management, we collaborate with clients in various industries. Skilled in use case discovery, documentation, and solution development for reporting and/or data science problems. Our team has worked with public and private sector organizations and across industry sectors like finance, telecom, and transportation.

Yottalogica is your trusted Analytics partner, we will work with you to:


  • Identify how analytics can optimize your business and provide you with a big data strategy
  • Showcase industry best practice usecases
  • Re-create your business model based on the new wave of data analytics
  • Work to create proof of concept to demonstrate to show how analytics can work in reality
  • Implement and deploy the analytics solutions in your work environment
  • Train your team to cope with the change.

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